The main objective of doing multivariate data analysis is to determine the practical significance of the various issues. That means whether the study is useful in future or not. That is why I am taking the topic “RELEVANCE OF POLITICS”. Politics is an ever relevant topic in a country like India because India is a democratic nation. Nothing will happen with out a political influence. At present the politicians decides everything.
Every thing is made and made up for youth. Like that the origin of politics from the youth. We can see the energetic youth only in campus or educational institutions. That is why I am conducting survay in educational institution. So the topic of the assignment is “RELEVANCE OF POLITICS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS”.
The dependend variable is relevance of campus politics. And the independend variables that is the factors which influencing the dependend variable are student’s problems, lack of coordination, various decisions of management, and strikes and fights etc.
For this I made 15 informative questions and collect responses from 50 students in pondicherry university campus. And after that I put the questionnaire and data collected in to the SPSS soft ware for analysis.
* Reliability analysis * Descriptive statistics analysis * Factor analysis
Reliability analysis is done for checking the reliability of the questionnaire. The chronbach’s Alpha is the checking variable of reliability. It is shown below.
Reliability Statistics | Cronbach's Alpha | No of Items | .861 | 15 |
DECISION: The chronbach’s alpha should be above 0.66. Here its value is 0.861. So the questionnair used for this study is highly reliable.
DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS This analysis is done for finding Range, Mean, Standard deviation, Variane, Skewness and Kurtosis. Here skewness and kurtosis are