The Sikh religion was founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, first Guru of Sikhs, in 1469 CE. Today Sikh religion has over 20 million people across the whole world. The Sikhism – is to gloriously follow in their Sacred Footsteps is our Sikh way of Life. Sikh religion teaches the lessons of equality, truthful living, social justice, eliminate superstitions through its Sikh Holy Book, “Guru Granth Sahib Ji”.
Sri Guru Granth Sahib is a mine of thoughts and ideas of several generations of great thinkers and saints that have accumulated over the centuries.
As it is obvious in religious scriptures the central theme is God and how one should identify one with God to make one's life meaningful for one and the fellow beings. The very first line of Sri Guru Granth Sahib defines God and His various attributes pivoting around oneness of God.
Teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib reveal that the world is not an illusion, rather meaningful and real and thus a place for righteous activities. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is full of teachings, which a man can adopt for a meaningful journey called life. Discrimination on the basis of high and low, nations and races etc. has not been encouraged as all are considered as creation of one God. Rather it shows the way to universal acceptance of multiculturalism and respect for diverse cultures.
Human life is considered as noble with a special aim to perform righteous deeds in remembrance of God. Rising above the self and implied restrictions of prejudices, service of mankind and living through honest means are the cardinal principles, which should direct the aims of human life. Aim of religion similarly should be living a life in laudation of God, living under His Will with utmost faith in the grace of God. Meaningful religion should aim at doing away with formalism and empty rituals.
Tremendous importance has been given to a number of cherished human values in