Since the subject matter of this report is fallen within the international trade scope, it is important to mention about international trade.
“International trade refers to cross border economic activities involving the exchange of goods, services, technology, and capital between independent countries, trading blocs, and their trading persons, bodies and corporations.”1
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Internet is becoming the focal point for the global village of tomorrow. Therefore, e-commerce trickles in to international trade too. That is why Sri Lanka enacted Electronic Transactions Act No. 19 of 2006, which was turning point of Sri Lankan ICT2 industry. It is innovative piece of legislation.
This report analyzes the Sri Lankan legal framework relating to e-commerce. First, it describes application of E-commerce in Sri Lanka during the past five years. Secondly, it mentions law reforms needed to encourage future international trade.
What is e-commerce?
E-commerce is the sale of goods and services over the internet that gives opportunity to buy and sell things available all over the world. Actually, it coordinates the international trade via electronic medium. This is good time for the people who were limited to own country.
Day today life, business done at particular time. For example, shops open at 9 am to 9 pm and close due to holidays. Not as usual life, through e commerce we can access to goods and services at any time through out the year.
When people need goods and if they could fulfill them easy and cost effective way, they tend to use it. This is best method to increase business in developing country like Sri Lanka. To go parallel with the World and to be competitive we should link with the e-commerce.
The Sri Lanka initiative uses information and communication technology to,
Develop the economy of Sri Lanka
Reduce poverty
Improve the quality of life of the people
To fulfill above objectives government have