Prepared by John Ruddy
October 16, 2007
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Document Conventions 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 1
1.4 Product Scope 1
1.5 References 1
2. Overall Description 1
2.1 Product Perspective 1
2.2 Product Functions 2
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics 2
2.4 Operating Environment 2
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints 2
2.6 User Documentation 2
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies 2
3. External Interface Requirements 3
3.1 User Interfaces 3
3.2 Hardware Interfaces 3
3.3 Software Interfaces 4
3.4 Communications Interfaces 4
4. System Features 4
4.1 Secure login by instructor to display only their own classes 4
4.2 Importing and updating class lists from RONet files. 5
4.3 Detailed student information cards 6
4.4 Attendance taking with pictures 7
4.5 Email center for sending tardy, absent, and reminder messages with macro messages 8
4.6 Statistic summaries for each student and cumulative for the class 9
4.7 Data can be exported to spreadsheets 10
5. Use Cases 11
5.1 Use Case Section 1 11
5.1.1 Use Case UC1: Login 11
5.1.2 Use Case UC2: Initial Class Setup 12
5.1.3 Use Case UC3: Student list additions 13
5.1.4 Use Case UC4: Student drops course 14
5.1.5 Use Case UC5: Instructor updates class settings 15
5.1.6 Use Case UC6: Roll Call 16
5.1.7 Use Case UC7: Automatic Email Sending 17
5.1.8 Use Case UC8: Update after initial roll call 18
5.1.9 Use Case UC9: Attendance entered late (in the event of a substitute or no computer/internet access) 19
5.1.10 Use Case UC10: Display course attendance history 20
5.1.11 Use Case UC11: Export course attendance history 21
5.1.12 Use Case UC12: Class attendance statistics report 22
5.1.13 Use Case UC13: Import class list from RONet file 23
5.1.14 Use Case UC14: Add student pictures 24
5.1.15 Use Case UC15: Delete class 25