Prof: Kamalakannan J
Online Student Registration System
(Software Requirements Specification)
• Rajesh Manchena(10MSE0154)
• Manideep Tadepalli(10MSE0325)
• Amarnath Manikanta(10MSE0004)
1: Table of Contents
1. Table of Contents
2. Problem Statement
3. Overview
4. Functional Requirements
4.1. Student Self-service
4.1.1. Personal Profile
4.1.2. Registration
4.1.3. Results
4.1.4. Registration Assistance
5. Non Functional Requirements
5.1. Help Desk Support
5.2. Application Services and Technical support
5.3. Administration Features
5.4. System hardware fail over and routine back up
6. Hardware Requirements
6.1. Network
6.2. Client Computers
6.3. IBM Mainframe
6.4. Production support systems
7. Software Requirements
7.1. Client Operating Systems
7.2. Client Application
7.3. Network system
2. Problem Statement
Fully developed online registration system needs to be developed. In addition, students on campus, off campus, in-state,
out of state, and out of country can easily and in expensively take advantage of many of the services provided by the Office of the Registrar, which today require users to be on campus during business hours.
3. Overview:
In essence the current online student registration system provides the interface to the main registration database system.
Though the back-end database can reliably accommodate concurrent transactional demands, the current system is limited in functioning as such.
The main registration system is mainframe based MySQL,
which has nightly back-ups and fail-over
system in place. Among others, other systems of the Pune
University like Student Grading System,
Financial Aid, and are on the same MySQL platform.
4 Functional Requirements
The online registration system is “self-service style” system that shall initially address the student registration