The results of this research were broken down into six tables. Each table looks into each possible factor that had an impact on the results, such as age, ethnicity, group type and test given. Phonological awareness scores were significant in all models of expressive language. The overall group affected remained consisted throughout all six tables. Group 3 received higher scores on expressive language than Group 1 and Group 2.
This study confirmed that preschool children with difficulties in speech will have a weakness in phonological awareness. By comparing students with SSD to their peers, researchers were able to identify a weakness in understanding their ability to hear and understand sounds. According to the author, children with SSDs are also poor readers. Their inability to hear or understand sounds affects their ability to process information …show more content…
For example, information can be given that can answer questions such as “what can parents do to lower the risk?” or “what are parents doing to increase the risk?” The author’s case study does help to establish a possible cause for reading difficulties for students with SSD, but what about students with disabilities that also have SSD? Including these recommendations will make this case study more useful to a broader range of individuals who can help decrease the reading deficit within