Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam also known as Kewal was born on 18 September 1900 at Belle Rive, Mauritius in the district of Flacq. SSR is a Mauritian of Indian origin that is an Indo-Mauritian.
His father, an Indian immigrant labourer, Moheeth Ramgoolam came to Mauritius at the age of 18 in a ship called The Hindoostan in 1896. His elder brother, Ramlochurn, had left the home village of Hurgawo in Bihar in search of his fortune abroad. Moheeth worked as indentured labourer and later became a Sirdar (overseer) at La Queen Victoria Sugar Estate. When he got married to Basmati Ramchurn in 1898, he move to Belle Rive Sugar Estate. Basmati was a young widow born in Mauritius, who had two sons, Nuckchadee Heeramun and Ramlall Ramchurn.
Kewal had his early grounding in Hindi, and Indian culture and philosophy, in the local evening school of the locality (called Baitka in Mauritian Hindu term), where children of the Hindu community learnt the vernacular language and glimpses of the Hindu culture. The teacher (guruji) would teach prayers and songs. Sanskrit prayers and perennial values taken from sacred scriptures like the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad Gita were also taught.
He joined the neighbouring primary school R.C.A school under Madame Siris on his own without his mother’s knowledge. Later he left for Bel Air Government School, travelling by train from Olivia station until he passed his sixth standard. At the age of seven, Ramgoolam lost his father and at the age of twelve, Ramgoolam met