As a forensic anthropologist working on the “fox hollow murders” and examining the heavily fragmented and commingled remains that were found burned, different strategies and forensic methods were employed in recovering and identifying the victims. Some of the remains retrieved showed significant burns making it harder for forensic anthropologist to distinguish between the remains. Nonetheless, forensic anthropologists noted that there were two distinct types of states in which the remains were burned, a green state, and a dry state. The bones that were burned in a green states were easily recognized by the pronounced attachment of flesh to the bones and the fresh appearance of the remains, whereas the dry state didn’t have any flesh attached and was just bones (Ubelaker, 2008). Forensic anthropologist could also differentiate between the two types of burning states through the external changes that occurred to the bones as they were burned. In the green (fleshed) state, the bones displayed transverse fractures, had pronounced irregular longitudinal splitting along the bones, and considerable warping-which is bending and twisting of the bones to make it appear as though the bone was made of rubber and deformed intentionally (Ubelaker, 2008). However, remains burned in a dry state displayed none of these characteristics and produced less variation in fracture patterns and warping (Ubelaker, 2008).…
‘It is through the characters that the themes of a novel come to life.’ Without characters the author would not be able to expand on the themes and provide depth into the novel. There would be no emotion in the novel and it would not be interesting to read. ‘A Bridge to Wiseman’s cove,’ by James Maloney, uses characters such as Carl, Harley and Justine to make the novel come to life through the themes of friendship, abandonment and support.…
Anthropologist George Murdock gathered information from studies previous anthropologist have done using hundreds of groups around the world (page 56). They compared several areas of customs. It seems that although several customs such as incest taboos, toilet training, marriage and others were in some way apart of each culture they were viewed differently. Some cultures define family different, things as simple as toilet training, disposing of the dead. All these things I have always assumed were universal, but it seems that they are not. The views on incest is the one that caught my attention the most, some cultures find it acceptable to allow fathers to marry their own daughters (Labarre 1954)(page 56), or mother's having sex with their…
Your last letter has arrived just two days ago, since then I have been thinking about your words. I am aware of the importance of your works on the Christian theology and I do respect you by my heart. Yet I write you this letter, because I have some doubts about your statements concerning your doctrine of two cities, namely civitas dei and civitas terrena.…
In Confessions, Augustine gives an account of his conversion to Christianity through the telling of his life story. In this text Augustine explains his relationship with God, both past and present, and in doing so confesses the doubts that he has had and the problems that he has encountered in attempting to follow a path that leads him towards God. In the text Fear and Trembling, Johannes de Silentio writes on the topic of the knights of infinite resignation and faith, both of which deal with the way in which people approach the events that occur in their life. Thinking of Augustine in terms of Johannes de Silentio begs the question: which applies to Augustine? Is Augustine a knight of faith or a knight of infinite resignation?…
Aurelius Augustinus also known as Saint Augustine of Hippo is the founder of brewers. Not only is he the founder of brewers but also one of the most famous philosophers. He was born on November 13th, 354 in Souk-Ahras, Africa. August 28th is the day of St. Augustine’s feast. His reign as bishop of Hippo was from 396 to 430 and he was part of the Latin Fathers. Saint Augustine is perhaps one of the most meaningful Christian thinkers after Saint Paul. When Augustine adapted classical thought throughout his Christian teachings creating a theological system of great power with lasting influence.…
Do you believe that someone should be penalized, or pinned down, in society, or the system, just because there skin color is a certain color, or because they are a different gender, or maybe even because there too tall or to short? This is of course called discriminating, or being racist, which brings up the question what is race? I had this same exact question which I would now like to know the answer too. I mean what the heck is race, and how deep does it really go?…
At thirty Augustine is a professor of liberal arts in Rome and soon wins the appointment of Public Orator in Milan, the imperial capital. In Milan he meets the bishop of Milan, Ambrose, and at the age of thirty three Augustine is baptized and converted to Catholic Christianity. Ambrose played a significant role in the development of Augustine, by introducing him to the neo-Platonists philosophy, as well as a more gratifying method of interpreting scripture. The neo-platonic philosophy emphasized the unity of God, the search for truth and that the good and beautiful are the basis for human existence. This view of reality was far more rewarding for Augustine than the dualistic view of Manichaeism.…
Whether reflected in forms of fascism and socialism or the more sophisticated types of contemporary progressivism, St. Augustine is unparalleled as an antidote to this intense power. Augustine mirrors the major Judaic-Christian perspective which shows us there are moral absolutes despite the fact that they may be faintly seen by limited, error prone man. It tells us that man is not the center and measure for goodness' sake, yet rather God is. Rather than his Creator, man is described by a nature that has its "detestable" side. In view of these restrictions of man there will dependably be defects on the planet paying little heed to the structure of human foundations. Out of this point of view springs the acknowledgment that men will never be…
(1) God can perform any action the performance of which is logically consistent and consistent with God’s own nature. Even though God is omnipotence and God has the power to do anything, but some philosopher argued that God has many limitations. For instance, S.T Thomas Aquinas argues that God’s power must be limited and may not exist at all. He mentions about the squares circle. If square circles cannot exist, then the fact that God cannot make one implies any defect in God’s power. Moreover, God has other limitations too. God cannot do things that require embodiment and God cannot do something that implies a moral fault. Therefore, God has the power to do anything but his power will only be exercised within the context of his nature.…
What do we have to learn through the study of different cultures? I was hoping for some wonderful revelation in the collection of writings. I may have found one. This book was a difficult read for me. I am not sure whether it's my age or my inexperience with classical readings. I also found it difficult to formulate a report on a collection of readings, the last report I did was on Laura Ingall's Little House on the Prairie. This reading was a little more challenging. The main point that seemed to jump out at me is that perceptions change, our theory of reality changes with every viewpoint. Every culture can seem primitive, self destructive, nonsensical, immoral or just wrong, depending on who is doing the observation and what perspective they are observing from.…
From my understanding Christian Anthropology is about being human and the questions that we ask ourselves. Therefore, how does religion affect us on a human level and how has this changed through generations of people. From the readings I have read it describes Christian Anthropology in three ways, that humans are basically Covenantal, Transcendent and Ethically Orientated.…
According to G.K. Chesterton, anthropologists’ views differed greatly to those of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas saw “man as a whole” while anthropologists saw man as a beast. To anthropologist’s humans contrast with God. Aquinas’ goals in his study were to understand the connection between man and the divine and studying how men were involved with divine beings. In the Summa Theologica Aquinas wrote about how man could even reconcile with God and that angels help lead men to their divine path to God. Chesterton wrote of anthropologists, “under their limitations, they could not get a complete theory of Man, let alone a complete theory of nature. They began by ruling out something, which they called the Unknowable. The incomprehensibility was almost comprehensible, if we could really understand the Unknowable in the sense of the Ultimate. But it rapidly became apparent that all sorts of things were Unknowable, which were exactly the things that a man has got to know.” Aquinas had an answer to this as well. He believed that when reason could not explain, faith could. This contradicted everything the anthropologists believed, to “follow reason as far as it will go.” Aquinas may have involved anthropology in his studies and reasoning but he did not believe in some of their most fundamental ideas.…
When I was just a kid, I really wondered what explanation of science holds with regards the creation of humans. I have been searching for answers from websites, textbooks, teachers but they only answer be the different evolutions and not the précised details of it. I even asked a priest about it and he started to disregard my point about the evolution of humans. You can’t blame an 8 year old kid who is searching for the right and justified answer to it. Another dilemma that I had before is that I couldn’t distinguish the different cultures and beliefs of other society. Adapting to their societal norms was a hard job for me to do because I have no idea about the things you should do to adapt.…
The author of the text is a famous English writer of the 20th century Richard Gordon. He had been an anaesthetist at St.Bartholomew’s Hospital, a ship’s surgeon and an assistant editor of the British Medical Journal. He left medical practice and started writing his “Doctor” series. Thus, “Doctor in the house” is one of them.…