Chapter five begins with the account of the aged indios ladino Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala who in 1615 with his young son took a manuscript he had been writing for over 30 years. This manuscript was remarkable in that it was written in both Castilian and his native Quechua. What is so remarkable about this is that the Incan language never developed an alphabet and it was not until 1560 that a Castilian-Quechua dictionary was released. Under colonial rule Spanish friars opened schools that taught Castilian which was the most common language in Spain. Spanish arts and Andean arts merged which lead to a distinctive culture that was neither Andean nor European. Indios Ladinos were indigenous people who had learned Castilian as well as their native tongue. They were the frist people of true mixed cultures and were extremely important because they were able to serve in many important jobs and showed the coming together of two cultures even when they had been born when Tawintinsuyu existed. Chapter six focuses on the spiritual conquest of the Andean world which although it was incomplete led to huge cultural and religious changes. Although the people accepted the trappings of Christianity such as the feasts, rituals, music, dances and prayers they viciously clung to their traditional rites and refused to give them up. This annoyed the clergy…
Domingo’s forced migration from the Bight of Benin to the America’s, via the middle passage, his brief stay on a plantation in Pernambuco, Brazil; and his experiences in Rio de Janeiro until his final exile in Portugal, all originated and culminated due to his suggested experience as a Vudon priest and suspicions of dark magic or witchcraft. Through this work Sweet proves that like religion, culture, and belief is not static, it’s dynamic, and vibrant and changes over time. It is also clear that co-mingling of Traditional African Religion and Catholicism provided advantages for Domingo’s lifestyle. Moreover, by adapting Catholicism into the beliefs of his vudon beliefs and practices, Domingos manipulated his owner’s and clients, by revealing psychological, political and societal ills and creating a spiritual sense of fear. For example, his use of Gbo to delay a slave ship, and his possession and alleged cure of Leonor de Oliveira, was this evidence of healing practices and cures or an illusion Álvarez created to protest the social and political angst of his new…
The educational life of Sor Juana started at the age of three in 1651, when she convinced her sister’s professor to teach her how to read. From that day forward, she continued striving to educate herself further. She did so by reading books out of her grandfather’s library until she had finally read them all. Sor Juana was born in San Miguel Mepantla, Mexico in 1648. She was born into a Catholic family during a time where the education of women was next to non-existent; therefore, her passion to learn was not socially accepted. Sor Juana was raised partially by her mother but predominately by her…
[ 11 ]. An Autobiography of Martyrdom: Spiritual Writings of the Jesuits in New France. Translated by Sister M. Renelle, S.S.N.D. Sel. Francois Roustang, S.J. St. Louis: B. Herder, 1964.…
As a conquistador under the command of Hernán Cortes, Bernal Diaz witnessed some of Latin America’s most interesting and least chronicled history. He was fortunate enough to be one of a select few Europeans to experience the Aztec empire at its height and to visit Tenochtitlan prior to its downfall. In an era where personal accounts of the historical occurrences are almost nonexistent, Bernal Diaz’s The True History of the Conquest of New Spain provides virtually the only window into this period. As a result, his text has become the most significant historical document concerning the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Perhaps the most poignant excerpt from The True History of the Conquest of New Spain is Diaz’s detailed description of his first impressions of the Aztec capital and emperor Montezuma.…
The writer will focus on four main areas throughout. First, she will present a brief biography of Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton’s life as well as her many accomplishments. Then, there will be a discussion of her main thrust in her life of ministry, teaching. After that the writer will talk about the way in which the film, A Time for Miracles, portrays Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton as a saintly person and if the film does a good job at portraying her. Finally, the writer is going to take the time to discuss two different themes from Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton’s writings.…
It bears witness to the Christian worldview of the Spanish explorers that these two men viewed the Christianization of the American savages as their primary goal in colonizing the New World. De Las Casas, as a friar,…
Manuel Fernandez de Santa Cruz is meaning to say that Sor Juana is reading and writing about subjects that are not appropriate to an obedient nun. He boldly states that she should pay more gratitude to god for her gift of ‘clarity’ by engaging in useful scholarly pursuit that are centered on achieving eternal life. Fr. Manuel Fernandez de Santa Cruz is clearly attacking Sor Juana as he begins to quote those the church believed to have lusted for knowledge and drawing comparisons to Sor Juana’s quest for…
How does it feel to grow up during the time of segregation and “separate but equal” but also during the time of MLK and Cesar Chavez? Juan Antonio Salas with Mexican ancestry born on october 4th 1950 but born in Texas was there though things like segregation in the school, working on the fields, Including now with the Political climate that we are now facing. Imagine working on the field with the burning sun on your back filling up crates and bags only to earn less than a dollar per crate or bag.…
Patria, Sor Mercedes, as she liked to call herself, would walk around the halls of her childhood home with a plain white sheet wrapped around her head, clutching an imaginary rosary to her heart. At fourteen, Patria received her wish and was sent to Immaculada Concepcion, in order to further her knowledge of His word. Many people viewed this as a “pity” (p.45). Patria was “such a pretty girl” (p.45), with her “high firm breasts and sweet oval face.” She did not let the words of others stray her from the path of the Lord, and put all of her energy into bettering herself through Him.…
Gonzalez, Justo L. The Story of Christianity, Volume I: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation. Second Edi. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2010.…
The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine is simply breathtaking. From the exterior to the interior of the cathedral, you can find plentiful amounts of highly sophisticated bodies of work. Before laying a foot inside, the massive bronze doors containing forty-eight relief panels depicting scenes from the Old and New Testament catches the eyes of many. Also, many note the exquisite statues and carvings of saints and Jesus all along the Western Front of the Cathedral. Once inside, the enormous pilier-cantonnés stand along the nave aisle, where it erects up into the ceiling. Eventually, the columns meet with one another at four angles, creating a quadripartite vault in the nave ceiling. The stained glass windows that lines the entire cathedral strikes your retina at all different angles as you rotate your body. A little beyond the crossing, the high altar contains a magnificent cross, as well as an iron tomb of the man who founded the cathedral. If you focus the eyes just behind the choir, you will glare at seven stunning radial chapels—each one representing an apostle, a patron, or immigrant. But out of all the marvelous artwork within and outside the chapel, there was one particular window that caught my attention.…
[ 5 ]. Justo L. Gonzalez, “The Deposit of the Faith.”The Story of Christianity: The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation 1. 1984, 69-81.…
This paper is to inform the reader about the religion called Catholicism. This religion had spanned the trials and tribulations of time, and been throughout history as the only religion held sacred to the followers of this faith. The following will be told about the religion that I have found from a believer/follower of this faith. I will tell you about the interviewer, the interview site, what the interview contains. Also, I will be writing about how this religion compares and contrasts to the religion of my faith, which is Christianity.…
Hello kids, my name is Vasco Nunez De Balboa. Most of you should know a little about me because you studied about me but any way I am here to give you more information about me and my explorations. So everyone fasten your seatbelts!! We are going back to the world in the 1400’s.…