However, even though he does waiver occasionally, he always redeems himself and balances the hesitation out. He does this again right before he is about to become a martyr. Scared of the fate that awaits him, St. Peter ran away from Rome in hopes of escaping the execution he knew was coming, but he did not get far. He is stopped on the way by a vision of Jesus and when he asks Jesus where he is going the vision replies he is off to be crucified again. Reminded of what he must do, Peter accepts his destiny and heads back to Rome where he is crucified upside. We are taught by this story that the Lord will guide us where we must go even though we might stray from the right path. Peter’s life and hesitation towards his persecution, reaffirms the idea that even though we might turn away from Him every now and then the Lord is there to guide us in the direction we are supposed to go and forgive us for any mistakes we may have made along the way. Along with these core values of the Church, Peter also reinforced and made decisions that solidified the structure and tenants of the Church. For instance, he appointed the first bishop of Antioch after he had to leave to go to Rome, so in this way he created another type of authority and hierarchy in the order of the church. Peter was also the one to declare Rome as the worldwide home of Christianity which it still is considered today. In this way, it’s very easy to see the lasting impact and necessity of Peter’s decisions and actions regarding the Church in today’s
However, even though he does waiver occasionally, he always redeems himself and balances the hesitation out. He does this again right before he is about to become a martyr. Scared of the fate that awaits him, St. Peter ran away from Rome in hopes of escaping the execution he knew was coming, but he did not get far. He is stopped on the way by a vision of Jesus and when he asks Jesus where he is going the vision replies he is off to be crucified again. Reminded of what he must do, Peter accepts his destiny and heads back to Rome where he is crucified upside. We are taught by this story that the Lord will guide us where we must go even though we might stray from the right path. Peter’s life and hesitation towards his persecution, reaffirms the idea that even though we might turn away from Him every now and then the Lord is there to guide us in the direction we are supposed to go and forgive us for any mistakes we may have made along the way. Along with these core values of the Church, Peter also reinforced and made decisions that solidified the structure and tenants of the Church. For instance, he appointed the first bishop of Antioch after he had to leave to go to Rome, so in this way he created another type of authority and hierarchy in the order of the church. Peter was also the one to declare Rome as the worldwide home of Christianity which it still is considered today. In this way, it’s very easy to see the lasting impact and necessity of Peter’s decisions and actions regarding the Church in today’s