THEOLOGY 3301: Doctrine of Scripture
September 27, 2014
In regards to the sufficiency of scripture, what is held to be true is Sola Scriptura (the notion that scripture is our highest authority and stands as the only sure and necessary guide for life and goodness) and the Reformation view of Church Leadership (the notion that the Apostolic office is closed and teaching office is used to serve the word). In regards to the perspicuity of scripture, what is held to be true is that scripture is clear enough in its content and meaning to be understood at an individual level to the point of salvation by any and all seeking to understand it.
The sufficiency of scripture means “that Scripture contained …show more content…
Within this topic there lies a debate between the Roman Catholic and the Protestant over whether sacred scripture stands alone as all that is needed for trusting and obeying God perfectly. The Catholic Church argues that Sacred Tradition is as equally important as Sacred Scripture is for understanding and responding to the call of salvation. St. Thomas Aquinas views Sacred Tradition not as an “addition to Holy Writ [scripture], but something gathered from it”. However, this thought hinges on the idea that what the Catholic Church has gathered is completely accurate and truly reflects that of the actual scriptures (creeds, etc.). However, even if there are some discrepancies between scripture and the Catholic Church’s interpretation of scripture, Keifer states, “just as the New Testament supplements the Old Testament, Pope Benedict argues, the church 's ongoing interpretation supplements both.”4 In analysis …show more content…
Scripture further more expounds to us that God’s word is all that we need to live the God-pleasing Christian life (Psalm 119:1; 9; 2 Timothy 3:17). Even in Acts 17:11, does a certain sect “examine the scriptures daily” to fact-check Paul in what he was saying. Furthermore, God’s revelation to us throughout history at certain times has been sufficient to us for those times and will continue to be through scripture (Deut 29:29). This idea of scripture, not tradition, as the sufficient standard of authority and truth further reinforced by Paul in 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 when Paul refers to an apostolic foundation-laying period of time for the church that ended with the last of the Apostles and a building period of time church that continues on. In other words, the church’s original foundation is the only foundation for the church and the apostolic office is closed. Paul even tells the Corinthians to not go beyond what is written, invoking sola scripture, which means scripture is the highest authority and stands as the only sure and necessary guide for life and goodness (1 Corin 4:6). To further promote this idea of scripture over tradition, Paul tells the Galatians that the gospel stands as higher canon than angels and apostles (Gal