To improve and to move forward we must first understand where we came from and how things started. I believe that history offers information about how people and society behave. For example, the Staff Ride and the readings for class shows that the United States has move from enmity, to building relationship with other countries, however difficult the travel. The "special relationship" between Great Britain and the United States, since that period, developed in the aftermath of the war that set them against one another. I got a better understanding behind the joke the then President, Barack Obama, made when Great Britain Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife made their first official foreign trip to the United States. During the welcoming remark, Barack Obama said, "It's now been 200 years since the British came here to the White House under somewhat different circumstances. They made quite an impression; they really lit up the place!" The President was referring to 1814, when British troops stormed the mansion, and set it on fire. History has bound our two nations together. At my last duty station, we conducted multi-national training with the British air expeditionary wing units in the defense against ISIL. It is interesting how history has brought our military together to fight a common
To improve and to move forward we must first understand where we came from and how things started. I believe that history offers information about how people and society behave. For example, the Staff Ride and the readings for class shows that the United States has move from enmity, to building relationship with other countries, however difficult the travel. The "special relationship" between Great Britain and the United States, since that period, developed in the aftermath of the war that set them against one another. I got a better understanding behind the joke the then President, Barack Obama, made when Great Britain Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife made their first official foreign trip to the United States. During the welcoming remark, Barack Obama said, "It's now been 200 years since the British came here to the White House under somewhat different circumstances. They made quite an impression; they really lit up the place!" The President was referring to 1814, when British troops stormed the mansion, and set it on fire. History has bound our two nations together. At my last duty station, we conducted multi-national training with the British air expeditionary wing units in the defense against ISIL. It is interesting how history has brought our military together to fight a common