Bus 335
December 7, 2013
Professor Mayfield
1. Identify the type of employment relationship you would establish between the coffee shop and employees from a legal perspective. Explain your reasoning. From a legal perspective my coffee shop will be a friendly environment for all. In regards to my employees, they will be treated fairly and with respect. I want to have a work environment in which my servers are happy to come to work every day; however because it is a business, I would ensure all legal HR practices are used to the best of my ability.
2. Suggest ways that you could avoid claims of disparate treatment.
In order to alleviate my company of having claims of disparate treatment, I will ensure that none of my current and potential employees are subject to any type of discrimination. My hiring practices would be legal and ethical, and I would make sure everyone is treated equally. I would definitely have both volunteered and paid position for the handicap. I would include both managers and servers into an open forum, to discuss what we can do as a team to better ourselves as employees and managers. This open forum would make the servers feel important because, we value their opinions
3. Identify the type of external influences that could hinder staffing and how you would address them
“According to the "Institutional Assessment," Charles Lusthaus, Gary Anderson and Elaine Murphy contend that social forces have profound influence on employee behavior. What happens in the social external environment can affect how employees feel toward their jobs, how motivated they are to perform and produce and what they value. Social stressors can induce negative employee behaviors even if the employees do not feel negatively about their work, but the opposite is also true. If employees are satisfied with the social environment they may be more apt to perform and produce in the
Cited: Das, P. (n.d.). Surplus & Shortage of Manpower. Retrieved February 1, 2013, from Scribd.com: http://www.scribd.com/doc/42696985/Surplus-Shortage-of-Manpower Heneman III, H. G.-M. (2012). Staffing organizations (7th ed.). Middleton: Mendota House / McGraw-Hill. Sheahan, K. (n.d.). About External Environments That Influence Employee Behavior. Retrieved February 1, 2013, from http://www.ehow.com/about_6313245_external-environments-influence-employee-behavior.html