There are often times that historians skate over certain occurrences in major events which depend on the region of their origin. According to many sources, there is more than one event that has influenced the start of The Korean War. Did it start when Truman declared the war against North Korea and its ideology? Was it Stalin’s extreme view on spreading Russia and his idea of communism? Did the Korean War start when the 75000 troops marched passed the 38th parallel? These questions show that there are many faces to one story.The sources and biographies I have picked out about the Korean War have different views. Points of view will be from a Russian point of view, the American point of view, and even the Korean point of view.
One reason why the korean war started was the Truman's declaration of …show more content…
This event was very important since this was “the actual” start of the war. “The new republic was only two years old when waves of North Korean troops invaded South Korea and swiftly occupied the capital of Seoul on June 25, 1950.” This was a very strategic move by the communist party because of its partner the USSR. “ So began the Korean War, which in several ways was a continuation of ideological disputes that had been active since the Japanese occupation. What started as a civil war quickly exploded into a superpower conflict when U.S.-led U.N. forces came to the aid of South Korea.” This quote summarizes the start of the Korean war and why North Korea wanted to take South Korea. Essentially, South Korea did not want to be under a communist government while North Korea really believed in the communism and its meaning general. As seen above this was described not as a war but as a war between ideologies at least in the North Korean’s point of view. In the end, this event and its back story is no match to Truman’s