Sometimes love isn’t always two sided, and at some point it can be a fatal love. In shacks by Edward p jones you; learn the story of a young man who gets driven crazy by love. Fifteen page letters are cute and all but to receive three to four a week is on the verge of being stalked
In shacks jones has a massive crush on a girl named Sandra walker. “Sandra walker was a thin brown-skinned woman who might know have been pretty to the universe but was to.” him. Both of them being in different colleges in two different states. Jones had never kissed let alone touched the back of her hand yet he is completely head over heels for her. He never really knew how to talk to Sandra so jones would send her written letters three to four times a week, some being five to fifteen pages long. He got to the point of typing them out so the would be legible for her to read and would only sing his signature. He never did receive a positive response form her but yet he still put all his hope and feelings in to these letter he wrote to Sandra. Jones wished he could paint of carve little figures out of wood so he could send to her instead of letters. He couldn’t imagine him self as her husband let alone having a family with the end after two years of writing letters he came to realize that the universe would not have Sandra walker and himself be together.
Jones has pure intentions that may get interpreted wrong. His message in his article is to always have hope. Jones has so much hope that Sandra would start to love him back after all the letters he has sent her but in the end he realizes that it just might not come true. He wants you to learn to never lose hope but that it just not turns out the way you want it to be.