Before stanislavski rehearsals were casual and actors could turn up late and leave early, this was because the actors belived that the play didnt mater and that the people only came to see them act. Actors would direct there coments at the audence insted of the other actors which made it very unreal and un realistic. When stanislavski wrote his 3 books on acting he mad sure to include a part where actors had to turn up on time to there rehursel and relise that the playwright and the playare more important than them
One of the main methods is his fundemental questions. These are:
· Who am i?
· What time is it?
· Where am I?
· What surounds me?
· What are my relationships with other charecters
· What are the given circumstances
These have helped me to truly understand my charecter as it gives you an insite in to who they are and what there objectives are. It makes me think about how my charecter should be standing in relation compared to other charecters and how my body should be positioned. This helps the actor get in sync with their charecter as it makes them question why they were acting what they were acting rather than just reading the script and hopeing that they got the right incentive. It also helps me as when im thinking about what im meant to say next these questions come to mind and i use them to think what my next line should be. It has also been useful to find the purpose for the lines i say
Stanislavski was the creator of method acting meaning that his actors had to devote