Analyze and identify company mission and vision statements on the following components:
Historical Background
The Standard Chartered Group is an unusual banking business. Although its roots are
British, its area of operations, its network and indeed its profits stream are overwhelmingly international. The name Standard Chartered comes from the two original banks from which it was
Founded – The Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, and the Standard
Bank of British South Africa. James Wilson following the grant of a Royal Charter by Queen Victoria in 1853, while John Paterson founded The Standard Bank in the Cape Province of South Africa in 1862 founded the Chartered Bank. Both companies were keen to capitalize on the huge expansion of trade and to earn the handsome profits to be made from financing the movement of goods from Europe to the East and to Africa.
Standard Chartered Bank: Getting to know
Standard Chartered Bank derives its name after two banks Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. The merger took place in 1969.Standard Chartered Bank is regulated by the Bank of England and is a clearing bank of UnitedKingdom.The new millennium brought with it two of the largest acquisition in the history of the bank-the acquisition of the Grind lays Bank from the ANZ group for a consideration of $1.34 billion and acquisition of the Chase Consumer Banking Corporation in Hong Kong for $ 1.32 billion. These acquisitions demonstrate Standard Chartered Bank’s firm commitment to the emerging markets
A Bank with Vision is the motto of Standard Chartered Bank. The vision is to be the most efficient financial intermediary in the country. The relentless journey to achieve that vision started in 1995, since the very inception of the Bank. The journey still continues and will never stop. Standard Chartered Bank sets a high standard for itself and every