Standard Chartered Bank
Management Information System
Muhammad Nayab Gul 131 (Eve.) 8th Sem. BBA (Hons.)
Department of Management Sciences The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
The main objective of management information (MI) is the possession of the necessary information on operational performance of the regular organization for planning and control. Traditional techniques such as intuition, general, personal whims and prestige, etc. are now considered unnecessary in the process of decision making. Modern Management is constantly looking for specific quantitative information that can help analyze the alternatives proposed and those who choose its decision. Thus, the functions of modern management information are more popularly known as "Information Management". And the system by which information is communicated to management so-called "Management Information System (MIS)”.
Management Information System
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Introduction of Standard Chartered Bank
Standard Chartered – leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East Standard Chartered Bank (Pvt. Ltd) name comes in 1969 by the uniting of two banks the Chartered banking concern of Republic of India Australia and China and Standard banking concern of British people South Africa. This is a multinational financial services company with headquarters based in London, United Kingdom and active in seventy countries and more. It has over 1,700 branches and outlets with staff around 80,000 people.
Standard Chartered Bank is a universal bank that operates in both banks commercial bank and investment bank. It is listed on LSE (London Stock Exchange), SEHK (Hong Kong Stock Exchange) and NSE (National Stock Exchange of India). The biggest shareholder is Temasek Holdings. Standard Chartered Bank is the oldest branches of foreign banks in Pakistan with over 160 branches throughout the country. Account of Standard Chartered Bank in Pakistan s can be traces from