Standard Costing Procedure &
Cost Variance Analysis:
A Study on GlaxoSmithKline Bd. Ltd.
Submitted To
Mr. Syed Manzur Quader
Independent University, Bangladesh
Submitted By
Independent University, Bangladesh
Date of Submission: 10th September, 2007
Letter of Transmittal
Monday, September 10, 2007
Mr. Syed Manzur Quader
Independent University, Bangladesh
Sub: Submission of Internship Report.
Dear Sir,
This is much to my delight that I am submitting herewith my internship report titled "Standard Costing Procedure and Cost Variance Analysis A study on GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Limited".
As of my organization's requirement and supervisor's suggestions and guidance, I have tried my best to make this report meaningful. I believe and hope that you will find this report informative and insightful.
I, therefore, would like to request you to accept my report and oblige me with the honor of completing my internship. Any further clarification, if needed, regarding the report will be instantly responded.
Thank you,
Tasbeer Aktar Abeer
ID# 0311022
Bachelor of Business Administration
Independent University, Bangladesh
Acknowledgement ..
I take the privilege to appreciate all of the individuals who have helped me to prepare this report during the last three months.
Firstly, I express my gratefulness to Almighty Allah who has made be able to pursue my study.
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Mohammad Alamgir, Manager, Human Resources Development(HRD), GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Ltd, for giving me the opportunity, appointment and lastly for his certification for the internship program that I had completed. I specially want to thank Mr. Omar Faruq and Mr. Mujibur Rahman, Finance and Accounts Department. Without their help it was impossible to complete the report properly.
I convey my gratitude to my honorable Supervisor, Mr. Syed
Bibliography: Books: Horngren, Datar & Foster; ‘Cost Accounting '; 11 th Edition, Prentice-Hall of India, 2005. William G. Zikmund; ‘Business Reasearch Method ', 7th Edition, Thompson, Soth-Western, 2003 Skinner and Ivancevich; ‘Business for the 21st century ', Irwin, 2006-2007