SAT, SAT II, ACT, PSAT, AP, STAR, CASHEE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT…when will this list ever end? Standardized testing has taken an eminent role in deciphering today’s education and unfortunately, there is a test for every occasion whether it is for kindergarten, high school, college, or graduate school admission, or for the state to base a school’s progression. The bottom line is that there is no escaping such demoralizing and discriminatory tests. Standardized tests consist of very basic, simplistic questions similar to those aired on a television game show such as Jeopardy. The answers reveal either an important name or date in history or an insignificant mathematical number; both answers have no value to a student’s education because they do not penetrate the deeper meaning of why. The student will remember the answer only as A, B, C, or D. These tests assess a limited range of English, science, history, and math skills, inaccurately and unfairly measuring a student’s growth because the multiple-choice questions lack the depth and value of an abstract, unique, and diverse education. What does it mean to be well educated or to be “smart”? Standardized tests are one-dimensional but the beauty of people is that we are all unique and creative in our mind-set. Smith (2002), a Rank Research Fellow and Tutor at YMCA George Williams College Gardner, defines intelligence through Howard Gardner’s seven multiple theories: linguistic, logical, musical, kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. He claims that “people have a unique blend of intelligences” and that our biggest challenge “is how best to take advantage of the uniqueness conferred on us as a species exhibiting several intelligences” (p. 1). It is a rare gift to obtain all seven intelligences, thus we must
Standardized Testing 3
identify and educate ourselves at our own pace. Who’s right is it to say that an athlete or a musician is not as smart as
References: Golan, S. & Herman, J. (1994). Assessing the effects of standardized testing on schools. Boaler, Jo. (2003). A Special Section on High-Stakes Testing: When Learning No Longer Matters: Standardized Testing and the Creation of Inequality Odland, Jerry. (2005). NCLB--more questions than answers. (From the Executive Director)(No Child Left Behind) Smith, M.K. (2002). Howard Gardner and Multiple Intelligences. The Encyclopedia of Informal Education