The workforce may require prior learned knowledge, but an individual may not possess the fortune to have a teacher teach the real-life application of a topic to him, but rather learn how to memorize information for the aforementioned standardized test. Eventually, when one finally finds a job, they find out very quickly that in order to succeed in their job, they must learn (relearn) the knowledge and skills in order to succeed and find their way to success. A test does not work with other people to provide an exemplary education, or perform tasks required by an event in the real world (job task, or social skill), nor can one reapply a standardized test to daily life. Even still, most people ignore education because it seems to satisfy the basic knowledge needs and they do not possess the foresight they need to realize how their education affects the future. Combined, all of this hinders the individual’s responsibility and growth, and prevents the individual from acquiring intrinsic motivation required by the real world because they do not know about real-world …show more content…
Everyday many people graduate from school, and many do not have a good handle on their future and how to address their new independence and how to manage themselves. Many programs exist which work to train young adults about real-world experiences and how to manage their livelihood, but fail to preemptively take action. In fact, many people regard education as something important, but something that, if failed, something one can easily remedy. The concept of algebra and graphs, and how different functions behave, or the concept of grammar, or good versus evil, basic scientific theories about life, all of which do not fail connect with real world experiences in the controlled educational environment. People need to understand that education does not serve as a convenience, or an unnecessary but helpful tool, but instead they need to view education as an important arsenal for their life, and some educators need to understand that educating on real world application serves a greater purpose than simple administrating standardized tests to test for adequacy. Schools have more to offer than the bare minimum, or mass productions of barely adequate students. Teachers need to have prevalence, and students need to understand the concept of the future, instead of addressing the