A traditional standing seam roof is the perfect choice for homeowners in search of a classic look. Often found on barns and commercial buildings, standing seam metal roofing is often recognized by the seams that join together the vertical metal panels that comprise the roof. With a ClickLock standing seam roof, your roofing project benefits from the traditional look of classic metal roofing as well as advances in roofing technology that seamlessly blend the best of the old and the new.
ClickLock Panels
ClickLock standing seam roofing panels are manufactured in smaller 12-inch sections. These smaller sections work better on homes that the wider panels favored in commercial and agricultural roofing applications where aesthetics are less important. Modern metal roofing is also made from heavy-duty aluminum to prevent rust and prolong the life of your new roof. ClickLock panels made from aluminum last much longer than the steel panels formerly used by standing seam metal roofing contractors.
ClickLock Hardware
When reimagining the standing seam metal roof, ClickLock devoted as much …show more content…
Roofing contractors often use portable forming systems to produce metal roofing panels on-site. This process sis easier than other forms of manufacture but it is also less precise. Because the equipment is continuously moved, it is common for the machine settings to change, producing an inferior product. Manufacturing panels in the field also thwarts the quality control process, allowing unscrupulous contractors to use inferior materials. ClickLock roofing panels are all made at our factory in Ohio where quality assurance is precisely regulated and enforced. We subscribe to strict tolerances on every panel and use only metal that has been certified as premium under the Metal Construction Association Roofing Panels