The Stanford Prison Experiment was an experiment that Philip Zimbardo evented. He wanted to study the human response of captivity, of the prison life. Zimbardo randomly assigned roles to the prisoners and the guards. Each role was uniquely identified. For example, he gave the guards sticks and sunglasses and the prisoners were arrested by the police department and were forced into the basement of the jail which was converted into the psychology department that was converted into a makeshift jail. Zimbardo wanted the experiment to be as realistic as he possibly could have made it, therefore, he assigned each role to help do so. Testing each individual and then assigning them to roles would of gave inconclusive readings and therefore, it was…
When people are given little to no direction or training, and are faced with dealing with people they may perceive as a threat to their own safety and the well-being of others, they have a propensity to overstep what most would consider reasonable behavior. The “guards” in the experiment were put into a position of authority and took the steps they deemed necessary to maintain order. In spite of the fact that they knew it was an experiment, they were immersed in the situation and played the role given them. The “prisoners” played their part and were so wholly immersed in the role and the environment that their entire perspective of reality was altered. They began to believe they were helpless and unable to help themselves out of the situation they found themselves. They had become powerless to change the situation, in spite of the fact that it was just an…
Authority and Identity usually lead to compliances and conformity and these techniques usually occur in real life situation too. To test out if human being would lose their moral and social values when they lost their individuality, Philip Zimbardo conducted an experiment in 1971 to see how readily people would conform to the roles of guard and prisoner in a role-playing exercise that simulated prison life (Zimbardo - Stanford Prison Experiment, 2008). This experiment was called The Stanford Prison Experiment and it was conducted at Stanford University. While the real life situation that was being mentioned, connected and relevant to Zimbardo’s experiment is the Abu Ghraib prison abuses. Abu Ghraib prison was a U.S. Army detention center for…
The prisoners started breaking down and feeling overwhelmed. One prisoner had been screaming and crying uncontrollable for 36 hours. Some of the other prisoners were showing signs of an emotional disorder that could have had lasting consequences. The experiment wasn't meant to have physically or mentally damage anyone so that's why the experiment was short lived.…
Control of the experience was quickly lost. The prisoners have suffered - and accepted - treatment humiliating and sometimes sadistic on the part of the guards, and in the end many of them suffered from a severe emotional disturbance.Experience…
Zimbardo’s mock prison experiment yielded the conclusion that individual behavior is largely under the control of social forces and environmental contingencies rather than personality traits, character, and will power. His findings were shown through the change in the pretend prison guards’ behavior over a matter of days. Their total demeanor was transformed and they became the role they were playing, with tyrannical and abusive actions towards the prisoners. The prison guards’ power went to their heads and corrupted them, much like what happened in the case of ordinary soldiers torturing prisoners. Like the prison guards, the soldiers were ordinary until they were put into a role of power. The environment of the prison with no structure or set rules changed the soldiers’ demeanors and caused them to throw their morals aside for limitless power over other human…
A controversial experiment by Zimbardo (1971) (Spoors et al.) shows how a groups of males were separated into two groups of guards and prisoners in a make shift prison. After six days of a two week experiment it was stopped. The guards became abusive while the prisoners showed signs of emotional disturbance.…
One of the infamous experiment in the history of psychology was the Stanford Prison Experiment. Its creator, Dr. Zimbardo, main objective was to see what effects would occur when a psychological experiment into human nature was performed. As I began to perform some research of my own, I noticed that my thoughts on the matter were similar to many; that as a scientific research project, Mr. Zimbardo’s experiment it was a complete failure. However, his findings did provide us with something that was much more important that is still being talked about today; insight into human psychology and social behavior.…
Phillip K. Zimbardo, who is a professor of psychology at Stanford University, directed the Stanford Prison Experiment, also known as the Zimbardo Experiment. The goal of the Zimbardo experiment was to research how willing human beings would imitate to the characters of correctional officers and inmates in an acting role that replicated life behind bars. But what really happens when you remove the freedoms of human beings and place them in subservient positions and place them in jail cell type settings? The answer is that the mind and physical well-being is drastically and forever changed for the worse, which Mr. Zimbardo’s tests proved.…
A team at Stanford University, led by Phillip Zimbardo, conducted the Stanford Prison Experiment to investigate causes of conflict between military guards and prisoners. Zimbardo and his team were seeking to observe the inherent personality traits of prisoners and guards and see if this was the chief cause of abusive behavior in these settings (Haney, Banks, and Zimbardo, 1973). This study is one that is well know and well-recognized. Zimbardo and his study are often discussed in many psychology courses today, and have even caused reform in prison systems as well as IRB/APA ethical committees.…
I feel like the prisoners would feel betrayed by their fellow researchers. I would hold a grudge against the guards because they didn’t have to go through that trouble. I don’t believe that the guards felt bad about the prisoners because they’re free now, but the prisoners were starving and treated poorly. I think that the prisoners and the guards both felt relieved that the prison was reconverted to the basement lab because the prisoners have spent horrible days in there; starving, restless, and bathing in their filth. The guards probably were relieved because they didn’t have to stand around and watch over the…
Experiments have been done for many more years than humans can count on the two hands in which they possess. Two experiments, in particular, were written, “The Stanford Prison Experiment” by Philip G. Zimbardo and “The Perils of Obedience” by Stanley Milgram. These experiments can be controversial for many different reasons, but neither of these experiments were completed under conditions of normality. The information collected in these experiments isn’t exactly based off of real life situations, it becomes difficult not to question the relevance of these experiments.…
Stanford Prison Study (SPE), Zimbardo carried out, an experiment. This experiment had 24 final participants. The guards’ task was to humiliate the prisoners and make the prisoners feel powerless. The result of this experiment was that the guards identified themselves as the in-group and the prisoners as the out-group.…
In order to continue the experiment, deception and manipulation had to be used on the prisoners and their families. The basement was cleaned, rearranged and made presentable for outsiders. The prisoners were groomed, feed a hot meal and warned about not complaining when the families arrived or the visit would be cut short. The families were greeted by Susie the receptionist to keep up appearances and to entertain for an additional thirty minutes as they continued to prepare. Even though the prisoners were only allowed two visitors, for ten minutes while the guards watched, the families left content. Rumors begin to circulate that prisoner 8612 was planning to come back with a crowd and force the release of the remaining prisoners. Zimbardo had no choice but to send the students to another location, in case anyone showed up. Even though no one showed up, someone was going to pay for the hard work that the guards put in. With no surprise, day four came with an increase in humiliation, dehumanization and more unnecessary punishment to the prisoners. On top of regular work, they were forced to shine the guard’s shoes. The guards were taking their roles in the experiment very seriously. They were not tolerating any disrespect and had no problems asserting their superiority over the prisoners. Almost everyone was falling in line and accepting their order except prisoner 819. He did not partipcate in the 6 am count and refused to exercise. Going even further, he trashed his cell and barricaded himself in. He was not punished by himself but also the other prisoners. Eventually, he was thrown into the hole. A priest came to visit, and accessed the situation. Prisoner 819 agreed to meet with him, and broke down. It was so severe that he was taken away to be comforted with food and rest. The priest advised them that their stimulation was very convincing and was similar to a prison with first time offenders. Around 11:30 pm the guards gathered the…
Imagine you are told exactly when you can eat or shower and when you have to go to bed and when you must wake up. Well many of the prisoners on Alcatraz Island were treated in such a way.…