In Stanley Milgram’s “The Perils of Obedience,” Stanley Milgram designed an experiment that would involve an experimenter, a teacher, and a learner to determine how far obedience would play a role on willing participants. The purpose of Milgram’s experiment is to see how far a willing participant would go based on orders to continue knowing that the orders would result in another person’s pain. The experiment was set up so that two willing participants went into the experiment understanding that they were taking part in a memory and learning exercise. One of the two willing participants played the role as the…
In Replicating Milgram (The Open University, 2014), Milgram explains how he set up his obedience experiment. His aim was to get a volunteer, a ‘teacher’ to inflict increasing amounts of pain, through electric shocks, to another volunteer a ‘learner’ and to see when the ‘teacher’ would turn to the researcher, the ‘authority figure’ and ask to stop. Unknown to ‘the teacher’, the ‘learner’ and the ‘authority figure’ were aware of the real purpose of the experiment; the ‘teacher’ was told it was to study the effect of punishment on learning, and genuinely thought that they were inflicting pain on the ‘learner’ sat in another room. It was this deception and the emotional stress it generated to the ‘teacher’ that prompted the ethical issues debate…
Milgram's Experiments showed another interesting fact, when left to decide how much of a shock to administer to the learner, the teacher usually chose a painless level. There were very few occasions in which the teacher chose to shock at a high level we can assume by this that "they come from the sadistic fringe of society."(96) The experiments also showed that while some people protested they still obeyed orders and issued the shocks. But…
John Darley’s criticism focuses on how the findings of the obedience experiments are applied to historical or real-world situations. He points out many ways in which the behavior of the obedience subjects in Milgram’s study differs drastically from the behavior of many others who commit atrocities: Nazi doctors or concentration camp executioners, for instance (Darley 133-134). However, since Darley’s criticism focuses on the behavioral differences between the obedience study and historical events, Milgram responds in a strong, convincing way. Referring to the process of comparing laboratory studies with real-world situations, Milgram writes, “The problem of generalizing from one to the other does not consist of point-for-point comparison between one and the other... but depends on whether one has reached a correct theoretical understanding of…
“The Perils of Obedience” was an experiment done by Stanley Milgram concentrating on the conflict between obedience to the authority and individual’s self. Milgram created a threatening shock generator with starting level of 30 volts and expanding up to 450 volts. The experiment was set up with having an experimenter, a participant who was the subject, and a confederate pretending to be a volunteer. The teachers were told to ask questions from the learners and every time they gave a wrong answer, an electric shock was given and was increased 15 volt on each wrong answer. As the experiment advanced, the participants heard the learners argue to be discharged and complained about their heart condition.…
Over the past century, the field of Psychology has prospered, giving way to a more in depth knowledge and understanding of people’s social interactions with one another and what drives those connections. 20th century psychologist, Stanley Milgram, executed a series of Obedience to Authority test on random participants. As seen in the YouTube videos online and in class, Milgram’s study found that over 65% of the participants carried out the experiment, despite potentially hurting someone, due to the authority figure urging them to continue.…
Milgram’s findings, as read in the article “If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger, Would You?”, apply to the first case of a manager and her fiancé ordering a teenage girl to strip and her following their commands. Milgram’s data suggested that humans are obedient even to the extent of blindly following authority. His findings were demonstrated by his experimental subjects who continued to increase the voltage to electrocute the learner, despite the subject’s moral code conflicting with the idea of…
In 1963, Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, conducted a series of social psychology experiments to study the conditions under which the people are obedient to authorities and personal conscience. The purpose of his experiment was to determine whether or not people were particularly obedient to the higher authority who instructed them to perform various acts even if they violate their own morals and ethics. It was one of the most famous studies of obedience in psychology as it has inspired other researchers to explore what makes people question authority and more importantly, what leads them to follow orders. There were several replications of his experiment and the results were identical to those reported by Milgram about how…
Prior to the experiments, Milgram sought predictions about the outcome from psychiatrists, college sophomores, middle-class adults, graduate students and faculty in behavioral sciences. All thought the teachers would refuse to obey the experimenter. The majority of the teachers would show concern once the learners began showing signs of discomfort. However, 60 percent of them followed the orders until the end, administering shocks to the learner up to 450 volts. (para. 27) The findings were dismissed as having no relevance to “ordinary” people considering the subjects used were students of Yale. Colleagues of Milgram claimed that these students were highly aggressive and competitive when provoked. (para. 27)…
While the test subject is in complete control over when the experiment can be stopped based on their own level of morals, it would not be considered proper to put the test subject in an environment like this that could be perceived as “hostile” without their complete knowledge of their part in the experiment. It would be impossible to inform the test subjects about the extremely stressful experiment they would be taking place in without informing them on exactly what they would be doing, and in this experiment, the discretion of the test was important to get clear and true results. Another immoral part of Milgram’s experiment was the severe psychological stress imposed on the applicants. Numerous participants stated that they felt extremely uncomfortable about what they were expected to do, although a sizable amount of the members in the primary trials subsequently pronounced that they felt vastly pleased to have been chosen to take part in the experiment. Another immoral aspect of the experiment was the fact that the test subject was not expressly given the right to withdrawal from the experiment, and were continuously given orders to continue the experiment. Milgram claimed that in this experiment strict orders were essential to…
Yale University psychologist, Stanley Milgram, conducted an experiment in 1961 focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience. He examined justifications for acts of genocide offered by those accused at the World War II Nuremberg War Criminal trials. Their defense often was based on "obedience" - that they were just following orders from their superiors. Milgram's experiment, which he told his participants was about learning, was to have participants (teacher) question another participant (learner), and when the learner got a question wrong the teacher would shock the learner. For every question wrong, the teacher would increase the amount of volts used in the shock. Of course the experiment was actually about obedience, the learner was an experimenter, and the shock was faked (McLeod). Milgram's was one of the first psychology experiments to use…
Stanley Milgram was an American psychologist. He first began conducting these experiments in the 1960's. He attended Yale University for his professorship. He would eventually earn his Ph.D. in social psychology from Harvard University. Soon after, he taught at Yale and Harvard, but then at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He spent most of his career there, while ascertaining his theories on the human conscience when pressured by an authority figure. He is widely recognized as one of perhaps the most important figures…
When obeying authority one can often loose thought of morals and beliefs. In the experiments the men obey the authority figure by doing cruel things they would not usually do. These experiments turn mentally stable men into a person willing to inflict harsh punishments on innocent people while following orders. Night by Elie Wiesel, The Milgram Shock Experiment, and the stanford prison experiment shows how obedience to an authority can cause people to stray from their conscience.…
The ethical concerns in the experiment were also argued by Baumrind (1964) ‘…. The feelings and rights of Milgram’s participants have been abused and inadequate measures were taken to protect them from stress and emotional conflict (Gross, 2015). However, in Milgram's defence he argued that participants had agreed to take part and some people could have left if they really wanted to. The participants had also a full…
Stanley Milgram’s experiment was created to show how well people react when obeying the orders of authority. The subjects who ask the questions were the teachers, and the test subjects who had to answer were the learners. If the learner answers the question incorrectly, the teacher will punish them by giving them a shock that was harmful, but not life-threatening. During the experiment, the intensity of the shock increased, which made the learner yell and scream…