Understanding and Promoting a Business
Module Code:
Assignment Format & Maximum Word count
Individual Business Report
40 %
Submission Date/Time & Method:
9pm Saturday 25th April 2015 Electronic submission on StudyNet
Tutor/s Marking:
Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
1. The planning, organising, and leadership functions of a business
2. The applications of a wide range of sales and promotional skills and techniques.
3. The principles of marketing, planning and promotion
4. Examine the principles and relevance of business ethics.
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
5. Identify key business functions and formulate ways to carry out the controlling function in organisations.
6. Appreciate the marketing environment of organisations in order to develop competitive strategies
7. Apply and communicate effectively the methods and techniques of marketing, planning and promotion
8. Apply a series of study skills and strategies (including how to get the most out of: your assignment; the on line virtual learning environment; different forms of communication and researching a topic).
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Performance will be assessed using UCSA grading criteria (showing the mark allocations) attached and in your Module Handbook. Guidance for improvement will be provided in writing on AFF or.... within 4 weeks. For further help, contact the module leader in the drop-in hours listed in the Module Handbook, or by email. Late work and plagiarism will receive standard penalties. UCSA reserves the right to use electronic means to identify plagiarism.
Detailed Brief for Individual/Group Assessment
The title of the assignment:
Individual Business Report via StudyNet
Assessment 3 - (40% of module grade)
Learning Outcomes Assessed: Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Assessed
Electronic copy only to be
References: Glasby, J. (2012) “Understanding Health and Social Care” 2nd edition, The Policy Press, p.114 Tricker, B Wong, V. (2013) “Starbucks flexes its political muscle with petition” Bloomberg, Available at:http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-10-11/starbucks-flexes-political-muscle-with-petition http://research-methodology.net/starbucks-pestel-analysis/ Understanding the nature of each of these forces gives organizations the necessary insights to enable them to formulate the appropriate strategies to be successful in their market (Thurlby, 1998).