Principles of Marketing T/TH
April 13, 2013
Starbucks’ product is no longer just plain coffee. They have branched out to offer a large variety of drinks, from espressos to lattes. They all also now offer food to go with their drinks, such as muffins and cookies. They offer a product that people feel they need everyday, and serve it in a relaxing environment. They have chairs and sofas in the coffee shops so that customers have the option to stay and enjoy their beverage. Some customers even bring work that they have to do and complete it in the shop. They have created not just a product, but an experience. Society helped to make Starbucks what it is today. People did not always feel like they needed to go out and buy coffee every morning. Most people actually just made their coffee at home. Now people feel like they have to go out every morning on their way to work and purchase a coffee to help them start their day. A lot of people think that it is a lot faster to just go and buy it, and it will help with their busy schedules. The one flaw is that it is a lot more money to go out and buy coffee every day, rather than brew it yourself at your own home. Not only has society made it seem like the “norm” to get coffee every morning, but it has also made it seem like a privilege. When I was in high school, students, mainly girls, thought of getting Starbucks every morning as something they need to do to be “cool”. It made them feel like they were above the people who had coffee at home. Most of the students who did get it every day before class didn’t even get coffee. They all seemed to purchase a fruity tea drink instead. They felt like they were better than the other students because they could afford to spend money on Starbucks every morning. One of Starbucks’ main goals was to create brand equity for themselves. They wanted to make sure that when people thought of coffee, they immediately thought of Starbucks. To do this, they first made