Starbucks Coffee Company (Hong Kong) was established in May 2000. They opened the first store in Central 's Exchange Square. By May 2008, Starbucks has opened more than 100 branches across Hong Kong commercial, shopping & entertainment and residential areas.
Why did we choose this brand?
The brand name of “Starbucks” becomes very well-known in Hong Kong. According to the article of Hong Kong Coffee Culture Exchange Association (, we can see that a lots of Hong Kong people tend to pursue a high quality of coffee. Such as middle class, high income level people. They are potential customer. So we choose this brand for our marking project.
Marketing Objectives:
Our marketing objective:
1. Increase total sales by 3% to 5% at the end of 2013.
2. Acquire additional 2% to 3% new customers from the non-coffee drinking market at the end of 2013.
To achieve above objectives, it will include targeting a new market segment and use the "SWOT" tools to help us analysis and achieve this growth.
Before doing the SWOT analysis, we would like to briefly explain the PEST:
Political-legal Factors:
The statutory Minimum Wage came into force on May 1, 2011. After that, the catering service claim the cost of recruiting is raising.
Economical Factors:
According to the census, we find that the average spending on drink of the mid-income group is growing, compare to a decade before.
Socio-cultural Factors:
Refer to an article of Oriental Daily on 2010, it shows that the coffee culture is building up in Hong Kong these years, more people are seeking a higher quality coffee instead of just have a cup of coffee in a Hong Kong local restaurant or fast food restaurant(eg McDonald). ( Technological Factors
Majority of the consumers in Hong Kong are greatly capable of using computer-based platforms. With highly