4th May 2009
An OLI-PESTLE Analysis
The paper analyses the entry prospects of Starbucks Coffee into India. The analysis is based on the framework provided by the Eclectic Paradigm and the PESTLE analytical structure and shows that in spite of previous setbacks the current conditions in India are highly conducive for the likes of Starbucks to set up shop and be successful.
Bhooshan Parikh Copenhagen Business School Full Time MBA 2008-09
INTRODUCTION India has a population of nearly 1.2 billion people and a majority of this falls into the age bracket of 15-60 years of age, making it one of the youngest countries in the world with a median age of just above 25 years (www.cia.gov). Compared to this, the median age in the US and China is 37 years and in Japan it is 45 years. The per capita GDP in India has seen a constant rise and with the booming IT/ Software services industry, India’s average economic growth over the last decade has been an impressive 7% (www.cia.gov). With almost 29% of the population living in urban areas (and an annual urbanisation rate of 2.4%) (www.cia.gov), the Indian consumer market holds immense potential for most businesses. Improved political and legal reforms since the beginning of the 1990s have made it increasingly attractive for Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) inflows into India and equally easier for foreign companies to set up shop in India. Starbucks Corporation (Starbucks), the owners and makers of the world famous Starbucks Coffee opened its first shop in Pike Place, Seattle, US in 1971 and since then has become the fastest growing coffee chain in the world with over 16000 retail outlets in more than 40 countries worldwide (Starbucks Corporation, Annual Report 2008). It was only a matter of time that India would see its first Starbucks, especially when the coffee consumption in India was also rising along with the economical growth. However, in 1999 (www.starbucks.com)
References: 1. http://businesstoday.intoday.in/ 2. http://businesstoday.intoday.in/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=8395&issueid=56 3. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/2222110.cms?prtpage=1 4. http://ibef.org/PrintThisArticle.aspx?artid=16795&pgno=0&totalpage=0 5. http://money.cnn.com/2004/10/28/news/fortune500/starbucks_india/index.htm 6. http://seekingalpha.com/article/17784-starbucks-india-strategy-looks-promising 7. http://store.businessmonitor.com/countries/asia 8. http://www.asia-monitor.com:- Economic Outlook-India, South Asia-April 2009 9. http://www.business-anti-corruption.com/country-profiles/south-asia/india/backgroundinformation/print?no_cache=1&print=1 10. http://www.cnbc.com/id/16555452/ 11. http://www.cnbc.com/id/19946005/ 12. http://www.doingbusiness.org 13. http://www.eiu.com 14. http://www.financialexpress.com 15. http://www.financialexpress.com/printer/news/255801/ 16. http://www.indiacoffee.org/coffeeinindia/default1.htm#consumption 17. http://www.livemint.com/Articles/PrintArticle.aspx?artid=3E832EA6-2295-11DD-80BA000B5DABF613 18. http://www.managingip.com/Article/1257403/Starbucks-wins-copycat-coffee-row.html 19. http://www.mhhe.com/business/management/thompson/11e/case/starbucks-1.html 20. http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Asia-and-Oceania/India.html 21. http://www.siliconindia.com/shownews/Starbucks_to_enter_multibucks_indian_cafe_market 22. http://www.starbucks.com 23. http://www.tata.com/company/releases/inside.aspx?artid=pTvbr0JryL0= 24. http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2007/09/27/stories/2007092751501000.htm 25. http://www.transparency.org/publications/gcr/gcr_2008#dnld- Global Corruption Report, 2008 26. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/in.html 27. Market Penetration and Acquisition Strategies for Emerging Economies: Klaus E. Meyer and Yen Thi Thu Tran, Long Range Planning 39 (2006) 177-197 28. Starbucks-Indian Dilemma (2006) IBS-CDC Case Study Reference Number MES0069A, ICFAI Business School, Ahmedabad Bhooshan Parikh CBS FT MBA 2008-09 Term Paper-International Business Page 15