* Memo to Starbucks: paying corporation tax is not like making a gift to charity After years of what looks like blatant tax avoidance to ensure almost no tax has been paid in this country what Starbucks seem to be doing for the sake of PR is asking if they can make a small tax contribution in future as if paying tax was the same as dropping a fiver into the church collection at Christmas and hoping that’s enough to preserve your options on a route into heaven for the next year.
I sincerely hope H M Revenue & Customs tell Starbucks that paying corporation tax in the UK is not a voluntary charitable donations box arrangement when it comes to multinational corporations and that nothing less than paying the full tax owing will do.
* Starbucks: your tax questions answered
Starbucks has had sales of £3bn cumulatively since setting up operations in the UK 14 years ago. But with nearly 800 stores across the country, it is still making a loss. How come? Here, your burning Starbucks/tax questions are answered … Any other reasons for Starbucks's low tax bill?
(http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/shortcuts/2012/nov/13/starbucks-your-tax-questions-answered ) * Tax: Starbucks in talks with UK's Revenue and