In this report I will be further discussing about the market research of Sandwich Delight in Detail. I will be analysing the data I obtained from both primary and secondary researches to discuss about the demands for my business and whether my chosen business will succeed in future. I will be also looking at the appropriateness of the research methods and the sampling methods.
Analysis of questionnaire (primary research)
As part of my market research for the Sandwich Delight I used different methods of market research to collect my data. One such method used was handing out questionnaires. This is a form of primary research. I handed out 20 questionnaires to 20 different random people to have an idea about the opinion that people has got on my new business. In response to the questionnaire or primary research I obtained following results.
Question 1 – what is your age range?
7 people were between the ages of 16-20
7 people were between the ages of 26 – 35
6 people were between the ages of 21- 25
This shows that most of the age group who visits the Airport was between the ages of 17 to 35. This helps me to decide upon my target market. My target audience is going to be between the ages of 17 to 35. Also from the age range it could be seen that most of the people are workers and some of them are school and college students. This means they are teenagers. Therefore I will ensure that I have my bar set up to attract particularly the people aged between 17 to 35 to earn more profit as they are the majority users. I will be also making sure that I have products for the other age groups too.
Question 2 – Gender
11 people were male
9 people were female
This gives me an idea of majority of people were male. It could be seen that most people who are visiting the Airport or living around the area. Therefore I will make sure I have products and ingredients to please both the female and male. This is because the difference between the