1. Accounting/finance, marketing, operations and information systems all have roles and inputs that are part of the planning process. Corporate marketing is responsible for evaluating historical corporate and industry seasonal demand trends. Forecasting is used to estimate demand fluctuations to tailor vacation packages, seasonal discounts, for operations service resource plans to synchronize the flow of services, materials and budgetary cash flows. Internal information systems are used to model resource allocations in supply chains, human resources, developing action plans for unexpected increase or decreases in demand. Accounting and finance set operational budgets relative to demand forecasts, supply chain requirements to design a planning strategy to best meet the requirements of capacity models. Operations is responsible for pulling together information from information services, marketing, corporate strategy initiatives and directing resources accordingly meeting budgetary requirements, and operation plan implementation.
2. Starwood uses a mixed planning strategy, employees are cross trained, can be moved from locations where demand is low to resorts where demand is high. They maintain a pool of candidates for full and part-time positions to match increases in demand. Human resources being the highest financial cost it is imperative internal resource utilization is optimal. Employees who are cross-trained, have the ability to move to other locations, and management’s option also of increasing part-time work hours gives Starwood the ability to match supply chain activities to demand cycles in the industry. Staffing models across Starwood properties gives a baseline for staffing planning across properties and also for each individual resort to meet necessary customer service supports and supply chain activities.
3. Staffing of a new resort versus an established resort is the existence or nonexistence of