Most of people may want a healthy life, but perhaps very few people adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Healthcare providers are supposed to be responsible for providing healthcare services to citizens. However, they could not directly control one’s health. Because there are many diseases which may be uncontrollable, and also associated with one’s family health background and age. (Palmer, 2008) Apart from that, large numbers of diseases may propagate due to unhealthy lifestyle choices. Primary healthcare providers provide lifestyle interventions, but such interventions are only guidelines. And also these interventions are limited due to limited funds. It is argued that unhealthy lifestyle choices are people’s own mistakes. Therefore, such people with unhealthy habits should not be provided healthcare services for free (Webster, 2009).There are many unhealthy habits which might lead to health issues. These habits include alcohol abuse, lack of physical activities, poor diet, smoking and sexual abuse. This essay focuses on role of healthcare providers such as NHS in providing care for obesity, cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and liver disease. (British Medical Association 2008). This essay will also discuss about some bias issues on providing healthcare treatment to young and elder people.
The healthy lifestyle is supposed to be a set of behavioural patterns related to health, as determined by the choices that people make according to the options available and the opportunities offered by their own lifestyle. Thus, the lifestyle can be understood as a health-related behaviour (such as the practice of physical activity) that is made possible or limited by the social situation and living conditions. (Gorsky, 2008). The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided a more concrete definition of lifestyle related health, as “a general life based on the interaction between living conditions and individual patterns of behaviour