With the name of ALLAH the Most Beneficial and Merciful. I completed my internshipin State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan. I am really pleased to have a professional learning experience in one of leading insurance organizations of country. In these sixweeks I worked in different departments and I am truly thankful to all officers and staff who entirely give assistance to me.I am also grateful to my honorable teachers Sir Fida Hussain Bukhari, Sir Irshad, Sir RiazAhmed Mian and all other teachers who motivated me to work hard and teach metechnique to learn work.The account of acknowledgement will remain incomplete if I do not express my sincereappreciation, indebtedness and gratitude to my parents. They have always been a sourceof encouragement for me.
I recently have completed my internship in State Life Insurance Corporation OF Pakistan,Group & Pension, Lahore Zone in which I got training from its different departments.The structure, the fashion of working & the dedication of the employees in SLIC is reallycommendable. State Life Insurance Corporation OF Pakistan (SLIC) has a solidfoundation since 1972 in Pakistan, and main objective is to provide its customers withsafe, secure and trustworthy service through wide range of products.In this report I have given a very brief review of Profile of State Life InsuranceCorporation OF Pakistan, all the products provided by the SLIC and in this regard I havetried to give all the information of SLIC.Then I have discussed about my learning in entire internship in all departments of StateLife Insurance Corporation OF Pakistan. During my internship I worked in Underwriting,Claims and Accounts department and I successfully completed all the task/duties thatwere assigned to me. I have made it possible to write each and every thing that I have learnt there. I have all my practical efforts in the form of this manuscript that‟s the asset for my prospect career.Then I have done a