“From affectation to affection, in poem after poem, Marianne Moore writes, or seems to write, in self-defense against this poison. At the same time she cannot help seeking it out” (Hadas 108). “Marriage” presents a burden through the style in which it was written; Moore’s ability to cover such a broad subject in a way that purposely confuses the audience so that they are forced into thinking with a kind of solitude. Marianne Moore has an obscurity to her vision of marriage that lies in an attempt of explanations that are personal and are shared through attempts of affection that truly lack affection. Also, her poem, “Marriage,” dares us to make an attempt at affection, yet it is an uncomfortable attempt at communication.
“From affectation to affection, in poem after poem, Marianne Moore writes, or seems to write, in self-defense against this poison. At the same time she cannot help seeking it out” (Hadas 108). “Marriage” presents a burden through the style in which it was written; Moore’s ability to cover such a broad subject in a way that purposely confuses the audience so that they are forced into thinking with a kind of solitude. Marianne Moore has an obscurity to her vision of marriage that lies in an attempt of explanations that are personal and are shared through attempts of affection that truly lack affection. Also, her poem, “Marriage,” dares us to make an attempt at affection, yet it is an uncomfortable attempt at communication.