Childcare has changed over the years in so many ways. In the past women stayed at home to mind the children, there was no childcare facilities if children needed to be cared for neighbours or family members cared for the children. Also in the past anyone could open their own crèche, there were no checks done on people there were no such thing as garda vetting and there was no such thing as a childcare qualification.
Now in 2013 more women are working so there are more demands for childcare facilities, but because the recession has kicked in more dad’s are staying at home to mind the children if the woman has a better paying job. There is now a ECCE scheme set up in most crèches for all children aged between 3years 2months and 4years 7months by sept 1st of every year. This provides all children that qualify with free pre-school which is 3hours per day 5days a week, 38weeks per year. Garda vetting came into place in 2011, which means anyone who intends to work with children, the elderly or any persons has to go through the garda vetting system, in this system you will be checked for any criminal records you may have. And the minimum entry requirement into a childcare facility now is a fetac level 5 in childcare, and in years to come that standard will more than likely rise.
The current provisions in place by the state are as follows:
ECCE Scheme
The ECCE scheme was introduced in January 2010, it is managed by county childcare committees and administered by DCYA (Department of children and youth affairs). This scheme provides one free pre-school year for children aged between 3years 2months and 4years 7months by September 1st. The hours are 3 hours per day usually 9.30 – 12.30, 5 days per week and 38
References: Education and care in the early years. 4th edition. Class notes