Since my time as an undergraduate, I have maintained a consistent path to Operations Research, and a Mastery of its fundamentals. I had a strong interest in computational statistics especially handling large-scale datasets. In data mining, statistical database, multivariate statistics, computational statistics, econometric analysis classes, I became fluent in my handling of large datasets and running simulations using SAS, S-Plus, Minitab and Matlab. My undergraduate education flowed logically into a graduate Industrial Engineering degree, which was focused primarily on stochastic process, data mining techniques and feature extraction methods. Throughout this time I increased my proficiency in English, even spending approximately two years at the University XXX, a school in which I earned a UBC scholarship for the highest GPA out of 89 other Korea University students.
During my Master's research, I learned some very valuable lessons, not the least of which was during my interpretation of biomedical data project, with my advisor professor Woojin Chang. While I was to explore the non-stationary signal type data in ovarian cancer and develop feature extraction method and make a model for prediction of ovarian cancer in