"If we value the pursuit of knowledge we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us." This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point of time when my future stands in front of me like a dream, this adage has now influenced me more than ever before. The key to develop innovative concepts in any field is to look beyond the apparent and never take things for granted. I am reminded of RW Emerson's proverbial lines, "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave trail."
It was April 2008; I was on the threshold of making an extremely important decision in my life, choosing my branch of specialization after having decided to pursue engineering. I had always been fascinated and good at in physics, mechanics and mathematics since my school days where I scored 95.6 % of marks in CLASS 10 and 95.2 % of marks in CLASS 12 in ALL INDIA CBSE, consistently ranked among the TOP THREE students of my school. After sufficient introspection, I realized Mechanical Engineering was something I was actually looking for. My consistency continued in engineering also, as I was always the CLASS TOPPER among 64 students in all the semesters and was ranked DEPARTMENT THIRD with a CGPA of 8.91. After getting exposed to modules related to Process planning and Cost estimation, Total Quality Management and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, I realized what Industrial Engineering can do to enhance productivity and also assist as a vital tool in the process of manufacturing and management. It is with this introspection that I have made another important decision in my life; pursuing my masters in Industrial Engineering field in the United States of America.
I am VIJAYENDRAN CHANDRAMOULI, currently in the final year of B.E in Mechanical Engineering in Easwari Engineering College, one of the most leading colleges for engineering in the country, affiliated to Anna University, Chennai. The college, one of the top