As a child, solving puzzles was an interesting pass-time for me. This natural flair for ability to solve problems made me enjoy learning Mathematics during school. I was introduced to Computer Programming in high school at a demonstration class when a simple snippet of code was written in BlueJ to solve a puzzle. I was fascinated with the fact that an electronic device could handle all the computations in a short span of time. My keen interest and thirst for knowledge in this ever growing field were the main reasons to opt for Computer Science as one of my subjects after high school.
I was interested in finding logical solutions to all practical and mathematical problems, so the very idea of implementing the same on a computer came naturally to me. The infinite possibilities it opened for a young computer enthusiast along with the opportunities we got at pre-university level to delve deeper into the subject prompted me pursue a degree in Information Science for my Bachelor’s Degree.
During my studies, I have worked on various projects, some as a part of the curriculum, and a few in my own interest. During the third year, I worked on a project that effectively facilitates easy monitoring of student academic progress. Created a Java based software that is interactive and has a friendly user interface which was developed by implementing swings, awt event handling and JDBC database support. Java was used at the front end; MySQL at the back end; the connection was done using JDBC.
During the fourth year, I worked towards developing a Web Search Engine integrated with Facebook that helps in displaying customized search results – The implementation of a Web Crawler was done using ‘Breadth First Search Algorithm’. This helped me learn the various aspects used by the modern search engines in retrieving data from the World Wide Web. An effective ‘PageRank algorithm’ was implemented for fast searching using ‘Lazy Learning