I, ******, strongly believe in these inspiring words. It has always kept fire of determination burning in me and has inspired me against obstacles and hurdles. Right from childhood, I have aspired to contribute a meritorious part towards the constructive developments of science and technology, for the benefit of my society. I believe that only an intensive study and comprehensive research work in my field of interest would put me on the right track to achieve my goals.
I have done my Bachelors of Technology in COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING from ***college. My introduction to COMPUTER SCIENCE came through a course work. I instantly developed a rapport with the subject, fascinated as I was, with systems and technology with its wide-range of applications.
I have been a very ambitious person in thirst of knowledge since my childhood. I joined a school, which provided me with commensurate knowledge. As had completed my schooling in a simple school with out any sort of brae, my thoughts where streamlined and focused to achieve my objective. My excessive zeal to acquire knowledge was canalized, when I chose COMPUTER SCIENCE in my graduation.
Even though I am done with my bachelor’s degree, I feel that my willingness to acquire keen in the field of COMPUTER SCIENCE has not been satiated. It is not a hyperbole to say that throughout, history has been virtually engineered by advances in technology; I am deeply interested in pursuing a Master’s career in COMPUTER SCIENCE.
Graduate study promises me the flexibility to explore different things, research experience and opportunity to learn from and work with the best people in the field. During course of study, I would like to gain depth knowledge and identify specific area as of particular interest to me in which I could pursue further research.
As an adage goes “Every person is born with an innate flair, the moment your realize