To illustrate, Static Shock, also known as fifteen year-old, Virgil Hawkins, was described to be “just like any other awkward fifteen year-old”, the majority of his worries consisted of having pocket money, getting bullied by other students, and being pressured to do drugs. Not to mention, he had also gained superpowers, having him to also worry about, his …show more content…
The two are very relatable in their own aspects and do have a few intertwining traits that connect to one another, both hold strong connections to the youths of today. Since most of their trouble are usually those of younger people, Static’s problems directly involve young people and Harley’s is that of those stuck in an abusive, codependency relationship, which is also common among younger people. Albeit, the traits are mainly negative ones but the real driving point is the fact that these characters overcame these struggles and can live an at least somewhat healthy