Suppose you hear an "old-timer" say, "Why, in my day, kids were much more respectful and didn't cause as much trouble as they do nowadays!" Formulate a hypothesis related to this statement that you could test. How would you test it? The old-timer are the older person in their 70s or 80s at this time. I would compare the age when this old timer is raising his own children . what actually age he may be, let say, 25 years old if he was born in 1940 by the year 1965 to determine respectfulness of his own children . That generation would have had multiple children by then. I would take data from his geographic area from the years 1965 to 1980.I would have a total of 10 people in each group of people 1965 and 1980 age 25years and interview them respectively on the following: criminal record, juvenile record, level of education, drug use or history of, and perceived life satisfactions during childhood, as well as parenting skills they feel are important. The hypothesis is that children born in 1960 were less likely to participate in risky behavior, and have more positive relationships with their peers, parents and other adults than children born in the year 1980s and 90s. Nowadays, due to modern technology and electronic entertainments such as TV, cell phones ,IPhone ,kids behavior are being channeled to this resulting to behavior changes and disrespect to the old-timer eyes. I would test this experimentally, by trying to find what year the old timer is referring to. That is from his years, then I would start from that year and count the number of electronic entertainments and technology introduced to this day . Then I would make a survey to find out how many electronic entertainments that each family have . Next, I will take the average amount of electronic entertainments in each family, and compare the result to how many electronic entertainment devices in the old-timer's years. I would use the T-test to compare the data. When you look
Suppose you hear an "old-timer" say, "Why, in my day, kids were much more respectful and didn't cause as much trouble as they do nowadays!" Formulate a hypothesis related to this statement that you could test. How would you test it? The old-timer are the older person in their 70s or 80s at this time. I would compare the age when this old timer is raising his own children . what actually age he may be, let say, 25 years old if he was born in 1940 by the year 1965 to determine respectfulness of his own children . That generation would have had multiple children by then. I would take data from his geographic area from the years 1965 to 1980.I would have a total of 10 people in each group of people 1965 and 1980 age 25years and interview them respectively on the following: criminal record, juvenile record, level of education, drug use or history of, and perceived life satisfactions during childhood, as well as parenting skills they feel are important. The hypothesis is that children born in 1960 were less likely to participate in risky behavior, and have more positive relationships with their peers, parents and other adults than children born in the year 1980s and 90s. Nowadays, due to modern technology and electronic entertainments such as TV, cell phones ,IPhone ,kids behavior are being channeled to this resulting to behavior changes and disrespect to the old-timer eyes. I would test this experimentally, by trying to find what year the old timer is referring to. That is from his years, then I would start from that year and count the number of electronic entertainments and technology introduced to this day . Then I would make a survey to find out how many electronic entertainments that each family have . Next, I will take the average amount of electronic entertainments in each family, and compare the result to how many electronic entertainment devices in the old-timer's years. I would use the T-test to compare the data. When you look