There are 12 Crores tobacco users in India i.e. every 9th Indian consumes tobacco. Sixteen percent are cigarette smokers, 44% are bidi smokers and 40% are tobacco chewers and snuffers in the form of Gutka, Mishri, Zarda, Khaini, Pan Masala, chewing the Betal Quid and snuffing Nasvar.
Smokers have 20-25 times higher risk of developing Cancer
Bidis are more lethal than cigarettes
Chewing and inhaling smokeless tobacco is the most lethal form of tobacco available as Gutka, Khaini,Zarda, Pan Masala. Chewing the Betal Quid and snuffing Nasvar is responsible for Cancer of the Mouth (Oral Cavity).
India has the largest number of Oral Cancer in the world.
Of 1000 youth who smoke today, 500 will die of tobacco related illness, 250 in middle life and 250 in old age. Those who die earlier lose on an average 22 to 26 years of productive life, those who die later suffer ill health.
Projections of WHO show that India will have the highest rate of rise in tobacco related deaths during this period compared to all other countries. In the India survey by Government of India, 1 in every 5 male deaths and 1 in every 20 female deaths are caused by Tobacco smoking.
Government of India survey shows that 20% deaths in males and 5% deaths in females are caused by tobacco.
Males smokers loose 6 years of expected life and females smokers loose 8 years of expected life.
By consumption of cigarette you lose eight minute of your life.
Chronic inhalation of tobacco smoke exposes the entire body, every tissue and cell to powerful mutagens and carcinogens, hastening the malignant cellular evolutionary process and resulting in the accelerated occurrences of the broad spectrum of cancers and other diseases, constituting “Tobaccosis” Cancer of mouth, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, oesophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, prostate, cervix, brain, colorectal cancers and leukemia.
What You Need To Know?
Tobacco consumption and addiction is a global epidemic and the foremost human poison of the 21st century. It leads to disability, disease and death
Annual Deaths due to tobacco consumption exceed those due to: Motor vehicles accidents, Suicides, Homicides, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Maternal Mortality, Alcohol and Drugs.
Did You Know Who Is Cashing On Your Weakness?
Tobacco consumption is driven by industry, cashing on your weakness. The rich become richer, the addict becomes poorer in health as well as wealth. The industry acts and puts: -
Profits ahead of life
Its own growth ahead of the health of future generations.
Its own economic growth ahead of sustainable development of the country.
Tobacco companies continue to develop new products to maintain profits disguising these in the cloak of attractiveness in packaging and citing reduced harmfulness.
You can develop courage to challenge them, the truth is all tobacco products new and old are dangerous and addictive and you the consumer must be made aware of its harmful and deadly effects.
You should also be aware, there is a time-lag between exposure to smoking, sucking, chewing or snuffing tobacco and the onset of tobacco related diseases is 20-30 years.
You can empower yourself with the knowledge to control tobacco consumption effectively and improve your as well as global health – by stripping away the disguise and revealing the truth behind tobacco products- traditional, new and future.
Harms Of Tobacco Use
Human Harms
Because a cigarette is a dirty syringe, a burning cigarette is the devils own chemical factory.
Cigarettes contain cancer causing tumour initiators and toxic agents i.e. Nicotine, Tar, Arsenic, NH3CO2, Hydrogen Cyanide, Formaldehyde, Asbestos, PO2O2IO, Cyanide, Lead, DDT, Acetaldehyde.
Within seconds after tobacco smoke is inhaled some 4800 toxic byproducts are absorbed into the blood stream and transported to every cell of the smoker’s body.
These toxic bi-products initiate cancer of the mouth, voice box, lungs, breast, food pipe, stomach, pancreas, urinary bladder, cervix etc.
Environmental Harms
The Oxygen in the air is replaced by smoke of cigarettes, hookahs and bidis which is full of carcinogens that spreads everywhere.
Fifty percent of the world’s children live in smoking houses and thus exposed to Passive Smoking.
Cigarette or bidi butts thrown in the surroundings, attracts rag pickers to start smoking habit.
Tobacco quid increases salivation and forces you to spit. The spit thrown in rooms, walls, roads or staircases are ugly sights and speak of ignorance and social irresponsibility.
Throwing lit cigarettes or bidi butts may result in fire.
For every 300 cigarettes smoked, someone somewhere has killed a tree.
Tobacco is one of the major contributors to deforestation. Curing of raw tobacco needs burning of wood fuel. For curing 1 hectare of tobacco, 1 hectare of trees are cut down and burnt.
Due to deforestation soil is eroded and that predisposes to floods, earth quakes and tsunamis.
Tobacco farming causes large amount of sub-soil water to be drained leading to water shortage.
Large amount of paper is consumed in manufacturing and packaging cigarette products.
Dr. S. Khanna, Executive Director, Dharamshila Hospital And Research Centre, Says “India is the capital of Oral Cancer in the world because of its highest incidence. Oral cancer rank no.1 among men and no. 3 among women in India. Unfortunately, even your adults are being diagnosed with the disease because more and more children are using pan masala/ Gutka and other tobacco products. Inspite of the fact that oral cancers are completely preventable, the incidence is rising at an alarming speed. Oral cancers account for 40% of the cancer in men.
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