“Efficiency of Brand Placement in an International Film- Effects of Exposure in a Local Context”
Slim Khalbous and Merium Maazoul
Journal of Creative Communications, Volume 5, Issue 1 (March 2010), p.23-46
Product and brand placement arouses a particular interest at the announcers. However the massive use of brands in international programs incites us to wonder about the effect of the local socio-cultural context on the efficiency of this creative technique. This research presents, first an explanatory abstract frame of the influence of the local context variables and the variables of programming on the recall of the placement; and second an empirical validation realized in two phases. First of all, a qualitative analysis of contents by experts; then a quantitative study by experimentation realized with 150 individuals. The results show that, globally the effect of the local context on the memorization of the placement is direct and that the recall of the placed brands depends on attitudes towards the spoken language, on social interactions and some characteristics of the audience.
Brand placement, recall, programming, context, exposing language, social interactions
The empirical application was done by showing a James Bond film that had several product placements in a part of North Africa called Tunisia; an area where a lot of international films are consumed. The study wanted to explore the “effect of the specific context related to the international film on the effectiveness of the placement in terms of memorization.” In order to do this, the research had to go through three stages: (1) a state of the art, which generated some of the research propositions (2) a qualitative phase, to choose and analyze the international film, and (3) a quantitative phase, which would measure the impact of exposure in the effectiveness of placement in the film.
Attitudes toward Language Effect
Foreign language can improve