Pascal, Bernoulli | studied affairs of state, vital statistics of populations studied probability through games of chance, gambling | 18th Century | Laplace, Gauss | normal curve, regression through study of astronomy | 19th Century | Quetelet
Galton | astronomer who first applied statistical analyses to human biologystudied genetic variation in humans(used regression and correlation) | 20th Century (early) | PearsonGossett (Student)
Fisher | studied natural selection using correlation, formed first academic department of statistics, Biometrika journal, helped develop the Chi Square analysisstudied process of brewing, alerted the statistics community about problems with small sample sizes, developed Student's testevolutionary biologists - developed ANOVA, stressed the importance of experimental design | 20th Century (later) | Wilcoxon
Kruskal, Wallis
Computer Technology | biochemist studied pesticides, non-parametric equivalent of two-samples testeconomists who developed the non-parametric equivalent of the ANOVApsychologist who developed a non-parametric equivalent of the correlation coefficientstatistician who developed another non-parametric equivalent the correlation coefficientstatistician who developed multiple comparisons procedurebiochemist who studied pesticides, developed multiple comparisons procedure for control groupsagronomist who developed multiple comparisons procedure provided many advantages over calculations by hand or by calculator, stimulated the growth of investigation into new techniques |
Reniel V. Macainag
R A Fisher: History of Statistics
Historical Note
Since much interest has been evinced in the historical origin of the statistical theory underlying the methods of this book, and as some misapprehensions have occasionally gained