Kaplan University
March 23, 2014
Descriptive Statistics and Mathematical Foundations
Part I: Pie Chart & Bar Graph
This information regards T-100 Domestic Market’s boarding information during the previous year for the top seven airlines in the United Sates. According to the data Southwest Airlines boarded 81.1 million; Delta Airlines, 79.4 million; American Airlines, 72.6 million; United Airlines, 56.3 million; Northwest Airlines, 43.3 million; U.S. Airways, 37.8 million, and Continental Airlines, 31.5 million (KU, 2014).
This is ungrouped data that needs to be grouped into a pie chart and a bar graph. The bar graph and pie chart both lists nonmetric (qualitative) descriptive statistics. The descriptive statistics are called, ordinal statistics which rank each airline from highest to lowest or lowest to highest annual boarding information (Black, 2012). The pie chart and bar graph summarizes the top seven airlines previous years boarding data. First, I will discuss the pie chart. The pie chart below shows the percentage breakdown of each airline’s annual boarding information. Each of the breakdowns represents the magnitude of the whole pie chart in percentages (Black, 2012). As you will notice that the leaders in the airline industry is Southwest and Delta Airlines with 20 percent followed by American Airlines with 18 percent. This information is vital when discussing each company’s market share information to shareholders.
The bar graph also depicts the magnitude of the amount of boarding passengers for each airline. This qualitative graph shows the non numerical data in a horizontal presentation. It is easier to notice the differences in this chart because of the horizontal bars. These two charts combined will make it easier for management to discuss the market share data with the shareholders.
Part II: Descriptive Statistics
In 2008, the U.S.
References: Black, K. (2012). Business statistics for contemporary decision making. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons Kaplan University Online. (2014). GB513: Unit 1: Descriptive statistics and mathematical foundations: Assignment details [Multimedia presentation]. Retrieved from Kaplan University Online Virtual Campus. Business Analytics: GB513-1402D-02N website