Question 1
The r value for the relationship between Hamstring strength index 60o and the Shuttle run test is -0.149. This r value shows a weak correlation between the two variables, as it is less than the 0.3 threshold for significance. Therefore, the r value is not significant.
Question 2
Between r=1.00 and r=-1.00, there is no difference in terms of strength. Both values are on the extreme ends of the spectrum and signify the maximum significance within the r value scale. A value of 1.00, whether negative or positive, shows that the two variables have a perfect linear relationship, and as such, the independent variable can be used to accurately predict the value of the dependent variable. The only difference is that the negative value signifies that a rise in one variable causes the corresponding variable to drop while the positive value signifies that the rise in one variable causes the corresponding variable to increase in value as well. But strength wise, they are similar.
Question 3
The relationship between the hamstring strength index 60o and shuttle run test index is a negative one. This is signified by the negative nature of the r value (-0.498). A negative relationship occurs when a rise in one variable causes the corresponding variable to decrease in value.
Question 4
This research study had the primary objective of measuring the relationship between muscle strength and functional ability. The muscle strength this particular question is concerned with is represented by the hamstring strength index 120 o while the functional ability is represented by the triple hop strength. The positive nature of the relationship, means that the stronger the hamstring muscle, which is signified by a high value in the muscle strength index, the higher the functionality, which is represented by a high score in the triple hop test. Conversely, the lower the muscle strength, the lower the score a