------------------------------------------------- PO2504
------------------------------------------------- UNDERSTANDING STATISTICS
SESSION 2012/13
This handout contains information on:
* The scope and aims of the assignment * The questions you should seek to answer * The data you are required to analyse * The structure and format of your submission
1. Scope of the assignment
The assignment is based on the data given in Tables 1 and 2 at the end of this document. Table 1 contains data on a range of socio-economic and social exclusion indicators for twenty-six E.U. countries. Table 2 contains socio-economic, environmental and housing market indicators for the twelve U.K. regions.
You should select a sample of data for at least 3 variables (columns) and at least 12 observations (rows) from one of these tables. You should analyse these data. In particular you should seek to summarise the information, using descriptive statistics, and test for the existence of relationships between the variables using correlation and regression. You should interpret your findings. You should think about using theories from other courses to aid your interpretation and explanation of key findings. Refer to PO2504 Tutorial Exercises and Computer Workshops 1 and 2 for more practical guidance on data analysis.
The results of your analysis need to be submitted in the form of a report of maximum 1,500 words. The marking scheme will place emphasis on your ability to demonstrate an appreciation of the principles of statistics, their application, and their interpretation.
The project is intended to develop a range of skills and knowledge. On completion of the task, you should have enhanced:
* data handling skills * quantitative analysis