Nowadays, it is located in the New York Harbor on Ellis Island. It greeted thousands of immigrants and visitors as they entered New York Bay and arrived in the United States. The Statue of Liberty is 46 m (151 ft) and the surface of the statue is composed of hammered copper sheets 2.4 mm (0.01 in) thick that were riveted to an iron framework. The statue rests upon a concrete therefore, its base and pedestal increase its height of the monument to 93m (305 ft) high (Statue of Liberty, Wikipedia, 2013). It symbolizes the freedom throughout the world. ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’ is the formal name that given to it (Statue of Liberty, Wikipedia, 2013). The statue design depicts a woman escaping from the chains, which stand at her feet and her right hand holds a burning torch in order to represent liberty. The liberty has seven rays on the top of her head which symbolize seven seas and continents. Even with the change in climate from time to time, Liberty’s body remains in its original status because its green patina gives the Liberty an excellent copper exterior which last for long time and does not affected by weather.
The Statue of Liberty took approximately 11 years to be transformed from a basic idea to a real copper statue that lies down nowadays in New York harbor (1875 – 1886). The Liberty goes over many stages in order to build it. The first stage was the idea itself. Then, it moves to the second stages which is collecting the money