Stay At 21 Argument
Gayle, this is a great discussion post. I think you make some great points. However, I disagree with you. I am curious, are you arguing to raise the drinking age to 25? You explained that the brain is not fully developed until age 25. Therefore, why do you think it should be kept at 21? Along with your other argument, while I do not know the statistical information about drinking and driving, I believe it has decreased in the past year. The reason for this is because of Uber and other forms of transportation. I also believe that even if the drinking age was raised, people would still continue to drink and drive.
As for your argument about drug testing in the workplace, I think you made some great points. In my discussion post I also discussed
that if an employee is performing their duties, it should not be mandatory that they are tested. Overall, great discussion post and I enjoyed reading it.