
Staying Together In Elie Wiesel's 'Night'

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Staying Together In Elie Wiesel's 'Night'
Staying together makes one stronger due to the pooling of resources and skills. In a group of people, there is a larger variety of skill sets and more resources that can be pooled together. These factors create better odds of survival than if one was alone. In an excerpt from Night by Elie Wiesel, he says to his fellow inmates "Let's stay together. It will make us stronger." By sticking together, Wiesel and his fellow inmates could cheer each other to run faster and to watch to see if their numbers got written down. In 1972 Andes Flight Disaster by Common Lit, it says how "the survivors had a small amount of food ... they divided out this food into very small amounts ... " By pooling their resources of food, the crash survivors managed

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